Kumarakom Chicken Curry/ KudamPuli Chicken Curry


1.  Chicken – 1kg 
2.  Coconut Oil – 2Tbsp 
3.  Mustard Seeds – ½ Tsp 
4.  Fenugreek Seeds – ½ Tsp 
5.  Ginger – 1 ½ inch piece 
6.  Garlic – 10cloves 
Crush Ginger and Garlic together 
7.  Green Chilli – 5 thin sliced 
8.  Curry Leaves – 3strings 
9.  Onion – 1big (Can also use shallots – 15nos) 
10.  Tomato – 2nos 
11.  Chilli Powder – 2 Tbsp 
12.  Turmeric Powder – ¼ Tsp 
13.  Coriander Powder – 1 Tbsp 
Make a Masala paste with Chilli,Turmeric and coriander powders with a little amount of water using a mixer. 
14.  Sugar – 2pinch 
15.  Salt – 1tsp 
16.  Water – 1 or 2 glasses 
17.  Kodampuli/Malabar Tamarind – 2pieces 
Wash and Put kodampuli in warm water for 5minutes to get it soft 

Kodampuli is also known as Gambodge,Fish Tamarind,Brindleberry


1.  Wash and clean the chicken pieces.

2.  Heat cocout oil in a pan and add mustard seeds and fenugreek seeds. When the mustard seeds bursts saute for 10seconds

3.  Now add crushed Ginger and garlic. Then thinly sliced green chillies. Saute and add some curry leaves. Now add the chopped onions. Add some salt and Saute until the onions turns into light brown in colour.

4.  When the colour turns add sliced tomatoes saute. Smash the tomatoes with the spatula and mix well.

5.   Add the prepared Masala Paste. Mix well. Now add water to it and mix

6.  Add kodampuli/Malabar Tamarind.Season it with some curry leaves. When it gets boiled add the chicken pieces. And mix well.

7.  Close with a lid and cook for 15-20minutes. Open the lid and check whether the chicken has cooked well. When done season it with sugar curry leaves then give a gentle mix.

8.  Close the lid and Turn off the stove . Now our chicken curry is ready to serve!!!!!

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